Blessed Is the Nation God Is For
                               Psalm 33

1.   Blessed is the nation God is for, and the people He has chosen; For God
     looks down from heav'n above, and from there beholds all nations. From
     His place above He looks on all; He sees their ev'ry doing; He sees their
     sin, He sees their works; He beholds all of those who fear Him. Him.

2.   O you righteous in the Lord, rejoice, songs of praise befit the upright; Play
     skillfully upon the strings, sing to Him a joyful new song. For the Word of
     God is right and just, all His works are true and faithful; His lovingkindness
     fills the earth, for He loves righteousness and justice.

3.   By the Word of God the heav'ns were made, waters of the sea He gathered.
     In storage places laid the deeps, let all the earth revere Him. Let the people
     stand in awe of Him, for He spoke and earth existed. When He commanded
     it stood fast; by His word were the heav'ns created.

4.   Kings will not be saved by armies great, nor a mighty man delivered; Not
     one is saved by his own strength, nor by some other power. But the eyes of
     God are on the just, those who fear and worship Him; Who wait for Him,
     who hope for Him, those who trust in the God of Isr'el.

Music: 021_Blessed_is_the_Nation_God_is_For.mp3
Vocal: 021_Blessed_is_the_Nation_God_is_For.mp3