For Even From My Youth, O God
                               Psalm 71

1.   For even from my youth, O God, by Thee have I been taught; And hitherto
     I have declared the wonders Thou hast wrought. And now, O God, forsake
     me not, when I am old and gray; Till I proclaim Thy wondrous deeds to this
     and ev'ry age.

2.   Thy perfect righteousness, O God, the heaven's height exceeds; O God,
     who is like Thee, who has performed such mighty deeds? Thou, who hast
     shown me trials sore and great adversities, Will quicken me again and bring
     me from the depths of earth.

3.   My greatness and my pow'r Thou will increase and far extend; Against all
     grief on ev'ry side, to me will comfort send. And I will also praise Thy
     truth, O God, with psaltery; Thou Holy One of Israel, with harp I'll sing to

Music: 038_For_Even_From_My_Youth_O_God.mp3
Vocal: 038_For_Even_From_My_Youth_O_God.mp3