Forgive and You Shall Be Forgiven

1.   How great is the love of our Father, who calls us His dear sons! When
     Christ comes again, we shall be like Him, we'll see Him as He is. And this
     is the love He has shown us, that Christ laid down His life for all, So we
     ought to lay down our lives for our brothers, to this end you are called.

     Forgive and you shall be forgiven; Show mercy and this you will have too.
     Do good to all, even your enemies. Be merciful to others as your Father is
     to you.

2.   When bringing your gift to the altar, you think of an offense; You go and
     become one with your brother, then bring your gift again. And should
     someone sin a gainst you, go see him, you and he alone; Be kind, have
     compassion, let go of your anger and be at peace again.

     Forgive and you shall be forgiven; Show mercy and this you will have too.
     Do good to all, even your enemies. Be merciful to others as your Father is
     to you.

3.   To all our example of living should be a shining light. Be willingly under
     authority, give due respect to all. And if you endure pain and suff'ring from
     unjust cause or oversight, Then stand strong and live Christ's example
     before us; trust Him who judges all.

     Forgive and you shall be forgiven; Show mercy and this you will have too.
     Do good to all, even your enemies. Be merciful to others as your Father is
     to you.

Music: 176_Forgive_and_You_Shall_Be_Forgiven.mp3
Vocal: 176_Forgive_and_You_Shall_Be_Forgiven.mp3