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September/October 2002

Vol.5, No. 8


Worldwide Weather Chaos: What Does It Mean?
by John Ross Schroeder

Restoration: Shadows of the World to Come
by Darris McNeely

Palestine/Israel--Whose Land Is It, Really? Part 2
by Cecil E. Maranville

The Citadel and the Caravan
by Melvin Rhodes

The Millennium, an Eternal Idea
by Darris McNeely

This Is the Way...Who Is My Neighbor
by Robin Webber

Shadows of the World to Come

by Darris McNeely

This column seeks to highlight the hope of a future time of peace brought by Jesus Christ at His second coming. The "times of restoration of all things" will be more than another utopian ideal. For many readers of this column, the prophesied future provides a compelling vision that fills the days, weeks and years of life with meaning. Each article of this publication seeks to point the way to God's view of today's world and the spiritual solutions to its problems. Let me describe how this translates into a walk of faith.

This month of September, United Church of God members will be observing four of the seven biblical festivals: the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day. By the time most of you are reading this, members and other interested people will be gathering to keep the Holy Days as God commands. These festivals hold a message of hope and light for this world as it makes its way forward through challenging times.